Laravel and NodeJS messaging using Redis Pub/Sub

I was recently working on this project that was composed of two different parts: a web application built in PHP with Laravel, and an AWS Lambda function written in NodeJS. In the past, both applications exchanged data using a common MySQL database. With time, this setup showed up very inefficient. As the number of “messages” sent and …

Injecting controller actions in Laravel views

Disclaimer: Depending on the kind of logic you need, it’s also possible to use View Composers to achieve a similar result. I’m using Laravel in this new project I’m working on. Some other PHP frameworks have a feature to use controllers as services. Symfony, for instance, has something like that. The project team thought Laravel, …

Debugging requests with cURL

For more than one time I had to debug HTTP request or response headers and other details. To do that, I use two techniques, both based on cURL library. I explain them ahead. Technique #1: From the command line This is the easiest way to debug. It doesn’t require writing any actual code. Just call curl program …

Propel + Symfony2 : Debugando queries em comandos

Quando no ambiente de desenvolvimento, em um projeto baseado no Symfony2, usar o webprofiler na interface web (a partir da barra que fica no rodapé das páginas) é uma mão na roda em várias situações. Mas no console geralmente não temos essa facilidade tão a mão, porém não é impossível acessá-la. Especificamente para as queries …